Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My New Year and 5th Grade!!!

Bloggers and Readers,

As of July 22, 2013, I am officially a certified 1st Year Teacher!! Yay!!! I have 5th Grade Language Arts which will be really exciting to see the growth that my students will have their last year in elementary school. Here are a few pictures of my classroom! :)

 Front of Classroom

 Right Side but a little wider than that!

When you walk in!

This classroom is about to get served some TLC! It's pretty big and I love the TEAM I'm working with, so it makes the experience feel so much greater!!!! I started shopping for decorations today...I feel warped!!

Quote of the week: You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.  You can steer yourself any direction you choose.                                                                           -Dr.Seuss-

Till Next Time,


DIY Dry Erase Boards

Dear Fellow Readers and Bloggers,

I wanted to share with you a product my friend found on Pinterest: DIY Dry Erase Boards. Students will use these when they need to brainstorm, when their at stations- insert activity pages into sheet protector, etc. Boards will be whole punched, kept in a binder, and/or pulled out when they need them.

 Materials Needed:
  • designed duck tape
  • sturdy sheet protectors (Don't cheat on the brand- they won't last as long)
  • computer paper (white/color)
  • scissors
  1. Insert paper into sheet protector
  2. Cut a strip of duck tape the length of longer side of sheet protector. Overlap strip on both sides equally. Press down firmly.Repeat on opposite side.
  3. Repeat step 2 for shorter side. (You can choose to tape up both shorter sides or leave top open to insert different color paper or activity sheets)
  4. Simple as that!!
Here is the Pin to learning how to make one and/or gathering ideas:

Till Next Time,


Teaching In The 3rd Grade!: Flag Bunting and Shopping!!!

Fellow Readers and Bloggers,

The other day me and my best bud decided we wanted to make our classrooms feel more like home, so we participated in flag bunting, which involves creating a flag banner. There are many different designs and ways to use your flag banners (e.g. add words, pictures, etc.).

I have an owl classroom theme so I decided to buy card stock that would match! 

Check out my friend's blog for directions on how to make

Teaching In The 3rd Grade!: Flag Bunting and Shopping!!!: I did bunting the other day and it came out sooooo cute!!! My friend had helped me make it and we had so much fun. The practice one will not...

Friday, July 19, 2013

My First Post Ever!!

Hello Teachers,

I hope you are enjoying your summer! It's getting to be that time where school is just around the corner :-)
I wanted to share with you the purpose of why I created this blog:

First: My best friend +Patricia Freitag Fonseca encouraged me to create one.
Second: I wanted anyone who is looking to inspire the lives of others with learning the opportunity to share great ideas for the classroom and our teaching experiences so that we may encourage ourselves to think both "inside and outside of the box".

Here are a few items that I am going to add to my teacher's desk this year!

I will have my little tub for post-its/notes, and my canister will be used for markers/pens(Still deciding if I want to put on desk or under my easel. What do you think??).

Quote of the Week: Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.
Please feel free to comment or share anything that would be most beneficial to us teachers! :)

Till Next Time...
